Contact Us

For general information about our branch, please email us at: [email protected].  To communicate with a specific person, or position, please click the applicable link from the list below, and send an email incorporating a subject line, your request, your name and contact information. Please note, the London & Middlesex branch does not have a branch resource library for in-person visits. The address below is simply for snail mail delivery. 

Branch Contacts List

Position Volunteer
Ben Dawson/Sheila Johnston
Recording Secretary
Chris Harrington
Mark Waterbury
Cemeteries Lead
Drew McKerlie
Membership Lead Wendy McCaul
Member Communication
Patrick Blaney
Brenda Vouvalidis
Sheila Johnston
Mark Ranson
Cody Johnson

Other Contact Methods

London & Middlesex County Branch, OGS
715 Fanshawe Park Road West*
Unit FAG23
London ON
N6G 5B4
*(this is a mail drop location only)

Branch Telephone number is (toll free): 855-697-6687, Ext 318

Branch Email: [email protected]